Page 25 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 25


        6.                                                     9.   (I) Now, Noah is helping his mother in the kitchen for
                 DOWNTOWN                    UPTOWN                breakfast.  (II)  He  is  wearing  his  school  uniform  to  go
                    FLAT                      FLAT                 to school. (III) His mother is preparing the breakfast for
                                                                   him. (IV) He is usually late to school every day because
                                                                   he misses the bus.
               ❍ For rent €2100          ❍ For rent €1550

               ❍  Housing space          ❍   Housing space         Which sentence disrupts the meaning of the text
                 190 m 2                   145 m 2
                                                                   A) IV          B) III         C) II         D) I
               ❍ 6 rooms                 ❍ 4 rooms

            Which  comparison  is  correct  according  to  the
            information above?                                 10.

            A)  The uptown flat is bigger and more expensive than
               the downtown flat.
            B)  The  downtown  flat  is  smaller  but  cheaper  than  the
               uptown flat.

            C)  The uptown flat is bigger than the downtown flat and   Which of the following cannot we say according to
               also it has more rooms.                             the pictures above?
            D)  The downtown flat is more expensive than the uptown   A)  Villages are quieter than cities.
               flat, but it is bigger and has more rooms.          B)  Cities are not cleaner than villages.
                                                                   C)  Villages are more peaceful than cities.
                                                                   D)  Cities are calmer than villages.

                         Hello,  everybody.  I’m  Shannon.  I’m  a   11.
                         high school student. I live in the uptown,   Hello, there! I’m Maggie and I live in a town. My
                         but I like spending most of my time in       town is really beautiful with a lot of trees. There
                         the  downtown.  Because  shopping  is        are  many  parks  around  the  town  and  you  can
                         my favourite activity and .............. .   enjoy yourself in these parks. The houses are old
                                                                      and low, and there isn’t a traffic jam on the roads

            Find the best option to complete Shannon’s speech.        because  there  aren’t  many  people  here.  It  is  a
                                                                      quiet and peaceful place.
            A)  there are a lot of shopping centres in the downtown

            B)  uptown is quieter and more relaxing than downtown  We can understand from Maggie’s talk that .......... .
            C)  you  can  do  more  things  in  the  uptown  than  in  the   A)  her town is a green and calm place
               downtown                                            B)  her town is very crowded and noisy
            D)  you have more options to do shopping in the uptown  C)  the life in her town is quite boring

                                                                   D)  the buildings in her town are new and high

        8.   My brother is ............................ at the moment. He likes   12.  Houses in a big city are ............. than houses in a village.
            cycling at the park after school.                      You can’t buy a house in the big city with a little money.

            Which option is suitable to complete the blank?        Find the suitable option for the blank.
            A) riding a bike       B) flying a kite                A) more comfortable    B) more expensive

            C) playing chess       D) feeding his dog              C) larger              D) cheaper
                                                         24                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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