Page 22 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 22


                           TEST 2           Çözümler için     4.               Hi, my name is Albert. I live in a big city.
                                                                               I get up very early every morning to go to
       1.                                                                      school because there is always a traffic
             I’m Sasha. Today is Saturday and everybody in my                  jam in the downtown. You can see many
             family is at home now. Each of them is busy with a                high buildings around and there are lots
             different  job.  My  dad  is  watering  the  plants  in  the      of people in the streets. However, you can
             garden. My mom is cleaning the kitchen. My brother                do many fun things in the big cities, so the
             is feeding our dog, Astro. As for me, I’m reading a               city life is very entertaining.
             book in my room.
                                                                  Which of the following option can be said according
           Which  picture  does  not match with one of the        to the text above?
           activities Sasha’s family members are doing?
                                                                  A)  He thinks the city life is worse than the life in other
           A)                    B)                                  places.

                                                                  B)  He  is  talking  about  the  good  and  bad  sides  of  the
                                                                     city life.
                                                                  C)  He doesn’t prefer the city life because cities are very
           C)                    D)                                  noisy and busy.

                                                                  D)  He thinks people in the city have an easier and more
                                                                     peaceful life.

                                                              5.                  Age        Height     Weight

                                                                     Rose          20       168 cm       55 kg
                                                                     Mike          25       187 cm       80 kg
                                                                     Steven        38       179 cm       75 kg

       2.   Hello! I’m Grace. I live in a big city. Downtown is busier   Which one is correct according to the table above?
           on Mondays. There are a lot of cars on the roads. You
           can see many skyscrapers in my city. ...........................  A)  Mike is older than Steven.
           Which one is not suitable for the blank?               B)  Steven is fatter than Mike.

           A)  People are always in a hurry.                      C)  Rose is shorter than Mike and Steven.
           B)  The streets are very crowded and noisy.            D)  Steven is younger than Rose and Mike.
           C)  There is almost always a traffic jam.

           D)  In my city, the weather is very clean.         6.   Darren: People in the cities are very busy and stressful.
                                                                  I think they don’t have a healthy life.

                                                                  Michelle: There are a lot of cars on the roads in cities, so
                                                                  the air is dirtier compared to the villages.

                                                                  Richard: The city life is more expensive but not more
                                                                  peaceful  than  the  village  life.  Cities  are  also  more
       3.   Mary: I’m looking for a traffic jam in the downtown from
           the Internet.                                          Linda: In cities, you can find everything you need because
                                                                  there are a lot of shops. People have more opportunities
           Linda: What is it like?
                                                                  to have fun in the cities.
           Mary: Oh, no! It is very ....... . I guess I will be late to work.
                                                                  Who  is  talking  about  the  advantages  of  the  city
           Complete the dialogue with the correct option.         according to the information above?

           A) busy      B) calm       C) clean      D) quiet      A) Linda   B) Darren    C) Richard    D) Michelle
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      21
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