Page 21 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 21


        7.   Kevin:  Where  would  you  like  to  live?  In  a  city  or  in  a   10.     DOWNTOWN
            village?                                                   VS UPTOWN       DOWNTOWN        UPTOWN

            Simon: I’d like to live in a city because I think cities are   cleaner          ✗             ✓
            more exciting and fun.
                                                                      more expensive        ✓             ✗
            Kevin: I disagree with you. ......................
                                                                      greener               ✗             ✓
            Which option is suitable to complete the dialogue
            above?                                                    larger                ✓             ✗
                                                                      more crowded          ✓             ✗
            A)  Cities are calmer and cleaner than villages.
                                                                      more exciting         ✓             ✗
            B)  Villages aren’t more boring than cities.

            C)  A city is more peaceful than a village.            Which of the following option is correct according to
            D)  I think the city life is better.                   the chart above?
                                                                   A)  Uptown is cheaper and smaller than downtown.
                                                                   B)  Downtown is not busier and dirtier than uptown.

                                                                   C)  There are more trees in downtown than in uptown.
        8.   Hi, my name is Tina. I’m in the park now. The weather
            is so nice and there are a lot of people around. A young   D)  The  population  in  uptown  is  more  than  the
            girl  is  under  a  tree and  she is  listening  to music with   population in downtown.
            her Ipod. An old man sitting on the bench is reading his
            newspaper and a little boy is buying a balloon from a
            salesman. There are five girls playing hide and seek at
            the park.                                          11.     Hi,  I’m  Philip.  I’m  on  the  way  with  my  family

            In the text above, Tina is talking about ..... .           now. We are going to a new city because of my
                                                                       father’s job. We will live in a big house there.
            A)  the activities she likes doing at the park             In  our  new  neighbourhood,  there  are  many

            B)  why people are spending time at the park               skyscrapers. The streets are crowded. There is
            C)  which places there are in her neighbourhood            often a traffic jam in the downtown. I feel very
                                                                       sad. Because I like my old city.
            D)  what the people in the park are doing now

                                                                   Find the option that we can say according to the text
                                                                   A)  He likes to see high buildings and crowded streets.
                                                                   B)  The new city he will live in is a calmer place.
                                                                   C)  His old city isn’t more crowded than the new one.
                                                                   D)  He wants to live in big and crowded cities.

                                                               12.  Laura: What are you doing now, Eddie?

                                                                   Eddie: ..................... I like spending time with him in the
                                                                   park. He is a cute animal.
            According  to  the  picture  above,  we  can  say  that
            ..................... .                                Choose the best option to fill in the blank.
            A)  there are a lot of high buildings around           A)  I’m taking care of my little brother, Simon.

            B)  the air is dirty because of the cars on the roads  B)  I’m feeding my dog, Astro at the moment.
            C)  it is a calm place and there are small houses      C)  I am washing my dog in the bath now.

            D)  it is a crowded, busy and noisy place              D)  I am taking my dog, Maylo for a walk.
                                                         20                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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