Page 20 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 20


                            TEST 1          Çözümler için     4.                         Madrid         Paris
                                                                    Area               604.3 km 2     105.4 km 2
       1.   Nancy: I think living in a city is better than living in a   Population    6.89 million  2.23 million
           village  because  the  city  life  is  more  interesting  and
           enjoyable than the village life.                         Average Summer        31  C         25  C
           Tom: I don’t agree with you. I prefer living in a village.
           .......................                                Which one is correct according to the information in
           Complete the dialogue with the appropriate option.     the table above?

           A)  People  living  in  the  village  are  not  happier  and   A)  Paris is larger and more crowded than Madrid.
              healthier.                                          B)  Madrid is bigger and hotter than Paris.

           B)  The village life is more boring and less fun than the   C)  Paris  is  more  crowded  than  Madrid,  but  Madrid  is
              city life.                                             larger.
           C)  Cities  are  calmer,  cleaner  and  more  relaxing  than   D)  Madrid is colder than Paris, but Paris is not smaller.
           D)  People in the village are more peaceful than people
              in the city.
                                                                     Hello, my name is Larry. I live in a village. It
                                                                     is a quiet and clean place. There aren't many
                                                                     people here. There are a lot of trees and almost
       2.   Lily and her family members are in the downtown. Her     everywhere is green. I'm always in nature. I can
           mother is buying a new dress for herself. Her father is   grow my own fruits and vegetables in my garden.
           shopping  at  the  kiosk.  Her  brother,  Jimmy  is  chatting   There is no
           with his friends at the cafe. And Lily is waiting in a line to   traffic. I feel very
           get cinema tickets.                                       happy for living

           Which picture does not show one of the activities         in a calm and
           they are doing in the downtown?                           peaceful place.

           A)                    B)
                                                                  Larry likes the village he lives in because ...... .

                                                                  A)  it is calm and peaceful
                                                                  B)  traffic is a big problem for people

           C)                    D)                               C)  it is very crowded and noisy
                                                                  D)  there aren’t enough green areas

                                                              6.   I.  I’m not sure, but I think he is in the garage. He can try
                                                                    to fix his car.
       3.   William: Look, Hailey! There are lots of skyscrapers and   II. That’s a great idea, mommy! Where is he?
           big houses around. The streets are very crowded and
           there are many cars on the roads.                      III. What are you doing, mom? I’m bored at home. I want
                                                                    to do something fun.
           Hailey: Yeah, that’s why it’s really a noisy place.    IV. I’m watching my favourite TV programme, dear. Why

           According  to  the  conversation  above,  where  are     don’t you play football with your dad?
           William and Hailey now?                                Put the conversation into the correct order.

           A) On a farm.         B) In a big city.                A) III - IV - II - I   B) III - I - II - IV
           C) In a small town.    D) In an urban place.           C) IV - II - III - I   D) IV - I - III - II
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      19
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