Page 19 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 19


        7.   Mr.  Fleming,  English  teacher,  wants  his  students  to   10.  Waitress: Welcome to Planet Cafe. What would you like
            prepare a poster about their favourite food and drinks   to have for breakfast?
            for breakfast.
                                                                   Dave: I’d like to have an omelette with a cup of tea.
                                                                   Waitress:  Sorry,  but  they’re  all  gone.  What  about  a
                                                                   croissant with coffee?
                 my favourite food and drinks
                           for breakfast                           Dave: No, thanks. I don’t like them. They are not healthy
                                                                   and nutritious.
                                                                   According to the dialogue above, which one cannot
                                                                   we say?

                                                                   A)  Dave wants to have breakfast at a cafe.
                                                                   B)  Dave likes croissants and coffee for breakfast.

                                                                   C)  Dave refuses the waitress’ offer for breakfast.
                                                                   D)  Dave thinks croissant and coffee are unhealthy.

            Andy: I love fried potatoes, olives, tomatoes, muffins,
            orange juice and coffee for breakfast.
            Nancy: I enjoy eating pancakes, muffins, cheese, honey   11.
            and drinking orange juice and tea at breakfast.

            Chris: I love fried eggs, pancakes, cheese, cucumbers,
            lemonade and tea for breakfast.                          Bora

            Emily: I like sausages, muffins, cheese, tomatoes, fruit   Ozan
            juice and milk very much for breakfast.                  Barış
            Find the student that prepares the poster above.
                                                                   Which option is not correct according to the table?
            A) Andy      B) Nancy      C) Chris     D) Emily
                                                                   A)  Bora  likes  bagels  and  milk  at  breakfast,  but  Barış
                                                                      dislikes milk.
                                                                   B)  Ozan  and  Bora  like  drinking  milk  at  breakfast,  but
                                                                      Barış doesn’t.
        8.   Waiter: Good morning. Welcome to Flowers Cafe.
                                                                   C)  All of them like having cheese, bagels and milk for
            Daisy: Good morning. Can I have a cup of coffee, please?
            Waitress: ............. Do you want some tea instead?
                                                                   D)  Barış  and  Bora  never  eat  cheese  and  honey  for
            Daisy: OK, I like it.                                     breakfast.

            Choose  the  option  that  completes  the  dialogue
            above correctly.

            A) Enjoy your drink.   B) Sure. Here you are.
            C) Sorry, it’s all gone.   D) No, thank you.
                                                               12.  Mia: The weather is very hot today. Do you want some
                                                                   Clint: ............................ I’m very thirsty.
        9.   My brother always drinks milk for breakfast because it is   What does Clint say to Mia according to the dialogue
            ............... .                                      above?
            Which option is not suitable to complete the blank?    A) Maybe later.        B) Yes, please.

            A) yummy   B) healthy    C) unhealthy    D) nutritious  C) No, thanks.        D) Enjoy it.
                                                          18                                      GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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