Page 17 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 17


        6.             Hi!  I’m  Noah.  I’m  a  6th  grade  student.  I   9.   Rick: British people love drinking tea with milk. Do you
                       have  breakfast  at  half  past  seven  in  the   like it?
                       mornings  before  I  go  to  school.  I  have   Mona: Absolutely, no. ......................
                       cheese,  olives,  jam,  boiled  eggs,  honey,   Which option completes the dialogue?
                       tomatoes  and  cucumbers  for  breakfast
                       because they are nutritious. I don’t drink   A) It is all gone.    B) It is yummy.
                       coffee and milk at breakfast. I prefer tea.   C) I hate it.        D) I love it, too.
                       At weekends, I sometimes have pancakes
                       with orange juice.

            According to the text above, Noah ........ .
            A)  has breakfast at home only on weekdays               Hello,  I’m  David  from  Britain.  I  want  to  talk  about
                                                                     the  breakfast  habit  of  my  country.  In  my  country,
            B)  doesn’t like having vegetables for breakfast
                                                                     we  have  eggs,  sausages,  mushrooms  and  baked
            C)  thinks pancakes and orange juice are healthy         beans for breakfast. We also like drinking tea with
            D)  prefers drinking tea to milk or coffee at breakfast  milk at breakfast.

                                                                   Which is false according to the paragraph above?

                                                                   A)  David gives information about the traditional British
        7.   Waiter: Good morning, sir. Welcome to Sunshine Cafe.     breakfast.
            What would you like to have for breakfast?             B)  British  people  like  eating  sausages  and  eggs  at
            Bobby: I’d like to have honey, butter, cheese and bagels.  breakfast.

            Waiter: Sorry, but they’re all gone. ......................  C)  Drinking tea with milk is a breakfast habit for British
            Bobby: No, thanks. I think they aren’t healthy.           people.
                                                                   D)  Like all British people, David doesn’t eat vegetables
            Complete the dialogue with the correct option.
                                                                      at breakfast.
            A)  Would you like to have cereal with milk?
            B)  Do you want some sausages and chips?
            C)  How about having some olives and tomatoes?
            D)  Do you want to eat eggs and cucumbers?         11.  Hi. I’m Berna. ........................ So, I have eggs, butter, jam,
                                                                   honey, cheese, olives and orange juice for breakfast. I
                                                                   sometimes drink milk at breakfast, too.
                                                                   Find the option that is suitable for the blank.
        8.   Teacher: Today, I want to learn your breakfast habits. Tell   A)  I prefer healthy food and drinks.
            me your favourite food and drinks for breakfast.
                                                                   B)  I like junk food and fizzy drinks.
            Sandra: My favourite food is pancakes and I have drinking   C)  I never eat nutritious food for breakfast.
            orange juice.
                                                                   D)  I don’t take care of my health at all.
            Patrick: I think cheese, bagels, olives, eggs and milk are
            the best for children.
            Michelle: I like croissants, jam, tomatoes, cucumbers and
            apple juice most.
                                                               12.  Waitress: Would you like to have some fried potatoes?
            Daniel: Fried egg, sausages, cheese, honey, butter and
            fruit juice are my favourites.                         Ashley: ....................... I don’t like junk food.

            Who does not give a correct answer to the teacher’s    Complete the dialogue with the correct option.
            question?                                              A) They’re all gone.    B) I want some, please.

            A) Michelle   B) Patrick   C) Sandra    D) Daniel      C) Yes, of course.     D) No, thanks.
                                                          16                                      GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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