Page 16 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 16


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.      Mason: I’m in the sixth grade and I have breakfast
                                                                    every morning. I have an egg, cheese, olives, jam,
       1.   Daniel: Would you like to eat .............. bread?     tomatoes,  cucumbers  and  bagels  for  breakfast.
                                                                    I eat bread  with honey  and  butter, too. I usually
           Jamie: Yes, please. There isn’t ........... bread on the table.
                                                                    drink tea at breakfast. I hate coffee.
           Find the correct option to complete the dialogue.

           A) some / some        B) some / any                      Alice: I’m a sixth grade student. I have breakfast
           C) any / any          D) some / a                        before I go to school. I like boiled eggs, pancakes,
                                                                    jam, pastrami and tomatoes at breakfast. I drink
                                                                    orange juice or tea with milk.

                                                                  Which of the following question has an answer in the
                                                                  information above?

       2.                                                         A)  Who likes eating vegetables at breakfast?
                            Hi, I’m Robert. I have breakfast      B)  What time do they both have breakfast?
                            every  morning.  I  love  olives,     C)  What is Mason’s favourite food for breakfast?
                           cheese,  honey  and  butter  for
                            breakfast. .........................   D)  Which drink do they both dislike?

           Complete the blank with the correct option.

           A)  They are not healthy.
           B)  They are very unhealthy.
           C)  They are very nutritious.

           D)  They are not delicious.

                                                              5.   Timothy: I like cheese, olives, honey and butter, but I
                                                                  don’t like sausages. I love muffins. I hate croissants and
       3.   Taylor: What time do you have breakfast?              Alice: I like cereal with milk at breakfast, but sausages

           Cameron: At half past seven.                           with bagels are my favourite. And also I like muffins and
           Taylor: Oh, me, too. Do you like jam or honey at breakfast?
                                                                  Gareth: I like croissants with coffee for breakfast, but
           Cameron: I like honey. What about you?                 pancakes are my favourite. I sometimes eat muffins with
           Taylor: I don’t like honey. I like jam.                tea.

           Cameron: What do you like drinking at breakfast?       Find the picture that shows the food they both eat
                                                                  for breakfast.
           Taylor: I like milk. Do you like milk?
                                                                  A)                    B)
           Cameron: Yes, I like it.
           Which of the following option can we say according
           to the conversation above?
           A)  They have breakfast at the same time.
                                                                  C)                    D)
           B)  Both of them like honey and jam very much.
           C)  Taylor eats honey and drinks milk at breakfast.

           D)  Cameron likes jam and milk for breakfast.
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      15
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