Page 15 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 15


        7.                                                     10.
              Hi!  I  am  Jeremy.  I  am  a  student  at  a
              middle school. I have a yummy breakfast
              in  the  mornings.  I  like  cheese,  olives,          Chloe       ✓        ✗         ✗        ✓
              honey, eggs and bagels for breakfast. I
              also like muffins, but pancakes are my                 Frank       ✗        ✓        ✓         ✗
              favourite. I usually drink tea at breakfast.            Katie      ✗        ✗        ✓         ✓
              However, I like jam but I don’t like butter.            Nick       ✓        ✓         ✗        ✗

            Jeremy tells about ............................... .   According to the chart above, which of the following
                                                                   option is correct?
            A)  his breakfast habit
            B)  his family’s favourite breakfast                   A)  Katie  likes  toast  and  coffee,  but  she  doesn’t  like
                                                                      bagels and tea.
            C)  his breakfast time
                                                                   B)  Frank dislikes tea and bagels, but he likes coffee and
            D)  people’s breakfast preferences in his country
                                                                   C)  Chloe likes toast and coffee, but she dislikes bagels
                                                                      and tea.

                                                                   D)  Nick doesn’t like bagels and coffee, but he likes toast
                                                                      and tea.

        8.   Lucy: Can I have some more cheese, please?
                                                               11.  Daisy: Which one do you prefer? Toast or croissant?
            Donna: I’m sorry, it’s all gone. Would you like a bowl of
            cereal?                                                Mia: I prefer toast because it is ........ . I take care of my
            Lucy: Cereal? Is it a type of chips?
                                                                   Which word completes the dialogue correctly?
            Donna: Let me see. Hmmm.... It’s healthy oatmeal. It
            says, serve with milk or fruit juice.                  A) healthy  B) unhealthy  C) yummy  D) unnutritious

            Lucy:  OK. I want some. I don’t like unhealthy food.
            We can understand from the dialogue above that     12.  A research company asked 100 teenagers about their
            ................ .                                     breakfast preferences. Here are the results:

            A)  both of them don’t like cheese much                         3% croissant        9% pancake
            B)  cereal is an unhealthy junk food                       12% toast
                                                                                                   39% chips
            C)  they like cereals more than cheese
                                                                       13% omelette
            D)  Lucy prefers eating healthy food
                                                                                                   24% sausage

                                                                   Which option is correct according to the results?
                                                                   A)  Most of the teens like eating pancakes and croissants
                                                                      for breakfast.

        9.   I care about my health all the time and I know breakfast   B)  More  than  half  of  the  teens  prefer  eating  chips  for
            is the most important meal of the day. So, I never eat    breakfast.
            ........................... at breakfast in the mornings.  C)  Nearly the same number of teens like omelette and
            Choose the correct option for the blank.                  toast at breakfast.

            A) fried potatoes      B) cucumbers                    D)  Sausage  is  the  most  preferred  food  for  breakfast
            C) marmalade           D) butter                          among teenagers.
                                                          14                                      GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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