Page 14 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 14


                           TEST 2           Çözümler için     4.                  Hello, friends! My name is Ashley. I
                                                                                 want to tell you about my breakfast
       1.                                                                        habit. I like vegetables at breakfast.
                                                                                 I  sometimes  eat  fresh  fruits  at
               Healthy Food           Unhealthy Food                             breakfast,  too.  I  never  have  chips
                • cheese                 • croissant                             and  sausages.  I  usually  drink  hot
                • olives                 • muffin                                 beverages for breakfast.
                 • ................      • ................
                                                                  Which one does not exist in Ashley’s speech?

                                                                  A)  She eats tomatoes and cucumbers at breakfast.
           Which option completes the blanks correctly?
                                                                  B)  She usually has an unhealthy diet.
           A) butter / sausages   B) tomato / cucumber
           C) chips / salami     D) sausages / chips              C)  She prefers having a healthy breakfast.
                                                                  D)  She doesn’t like junk food for breakfast.

                          Hi, I’m Merve from Turkey. Breakfast
                          is  the  most  important  meal  of  the
                          day,  so  I  never  skip  my  breakfast.   5.   My name is Sonia. I have pancakes and orange juice for
                          I  have  olives,  cheese,  fried  eggs,   breakfast. I sometimes eat muffins.
                          tomatoes, jam and bread with butter     Which picture shows Sonia’s breakfast?
                          and honey. I usually drink apple juice   A)                   B)
                          or milk at breakfast. I never eat junk
                          food for breakfast.

           What is Merve talking about in her speech?
                                                                  C)                    D)
           A)  Traditional Turkish breakfast
           B)  Her morning routine
           C)  Nutrition facts about some foods

           D)  Her breakfast habit

       3.   Sophie: I’m very hungry, Clara. ..................    I.  All  right.  What  do  you  want?  Lemonade  or  apple
           Clara: Of course. Here you are.
                                                                  II. No, thanks. I don’t like them, but I can have a cold
           Sophie: Oh, yummy! Thanks.                               drink.

           Complete the conversation with the suitable option.    III. I’m  sorry.  They’re  all  gone.  What  about  some
           A)  Can I have a muffin and a cup of coffee?           IV. Can I have some more muffins?

           B)  What is your favourite food for breakfast?         Find the correct order of the dialogue above.
           C)  Do you want some cheese with bagels?               A) I - II - IV - III   B) I - III - IV - II

           D)  What can I have for breakfast?                     C) IV - III - I - II    D) IV - III - II - I
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      13
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