Page 12 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 12


                            TEST 1          Çözümler için     4.      Hi! My name is Scott. I’m a sixth
                                             okutunuz               grade student. I wake up at
                                                                    seven o’clock on weekdays. I
       1.   Waiter: Good morning, madam. Welcome to Rainbow
           Cafe. What would you like to have for breakfast?         have cheese, olives, eggs, honey,
                                                                    tomatoes and cucumbers for
           Lily: I’d like to have an omelette, some olives and cheese   breakfast because my mom says
           with bagels.                                             they are healthy and nutritious. I
           Waiter: Sorry, but they’re all gone.  ......................  never drink tea or coffee at breakfast. I prefer milk.
                                                                    At weekends, I sometimes have pancakes with
           Lily: No, thanks. I think they aren’t healthy.
                                                                    orange juice.
           Which question does the waiter ask Lily?
                                                                  According to the text above, Scott ....... .
           A)  Would you like to have cereal with milk?
                                                                  A)  prefers drinking milk to coffee or tea at breakfast
           B)  Do you want a croissant with coffee?
                                                                  B)  thinks pancakes and orange juice are healthy
           C)  How about having some honey and butter?
                                                                  C)  has breakfast at home only on school days
           D)  Do you want to eat tomatoes and cucumbers?
                                                                  D)  doesn’t like eating vegetables for breakfast

       2.   This table below shows the food John, Rachel, Liam and   5.   Waitress: Welcome to Blue Cafe, sir. What would you
           Peter have for breakfast.                              like to drink?
                                                                  Gareth: I’d like a glass of lemonade.
                      cheese     chips    olives  croissant
                                                                  Waitress: Sorry, it’s all gone. Do you want some tea?
              John                                  
                                                                  Gareth: No, I dislike it.
             Rachel                       
                                                                  Waitress: What about a cup of coffee?
              Liam                                  
                                                                  Gareth: No, thanks. Can I have some orange juice? Do
             Peter                        
                                                                  you have it?
           According to the table above, we can say that ... .    Waitress: Of course, sir. I’ll get it in two minutes.

           A)  Rachel has cheese and olives for breakfast, but Peter   What does Gareth decide to drink at the cafe?
              doesn’t                                             A)           B)          C)          D)
           B)  both  Liam  and  John  eat  croissants  and  chips  at
           C)  John has healthy and nutritious food at breakfast, but
              Rachel doesn’t

           D)  John and Peter eat different kinds of healthy food at   6.   Waiter: Good morning. Welcome to Jamie’s Cafe.
                                                                  Debbie: Good morning. Can I have tea, please?
                                                                  Waiter: ............. Do you want some coffee instead?
                                                                  Debbie: OK, I like it.

       3.   Mother: Do you want some milk with your toast?        Choose the suitable option to fill in the blank.

           Nathalie: ....................... It’s a healthy drink.   A)  Sure. Here you are.
           Complete the dialogue with the suitable option.        B)  I’m sorry, it’s all gone.

           A) No, thanks.        B) I don’t want any milk.        C)  We have only cold drinks.
           C) Sure, I’d love to.   D) It’s all gone.              D)  Enjoy your drink.
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      11
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