Page 11 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 11


        7.                                                     10.  These pictures below shows Timothy’s morning routines
              Hi! My name is Nancy. I’m thirteen years old. I’m a   before he goes to school.
              secondary school student. My school is close to my     1                         1 2
              house, so I always walk to school in the morning.
              Sometimes,  my  father  takes
              me home after school. I always
              have  breakfast  before  I  leave
              home for the school. My mother
              usually  prepares  an  omelette                            has breakfast            brushes his teeth
              and  fresh  -  squeezed  orange                        1 3                       1 4
              juice for me at breakfast.

            According to Nancy’s talk, .............. .

            A)  she goes to school on foot on weekdays
                                                                         gets dressed               gets on the
            B)  she always takes the bus to go home after school
                                                                         for the school             school bus
            C)  she usually has unhealthy food at breakfast
                                                                   According to the information above, ............. .
            D)  she goes to school with her father every morning
                                                                   A)  he has breakfast before he brushes his teeth

                                                                   B)  he gets dressed for the school before he has breakfast
                                                                   C)  he never goes to school by bus and he usually walks

                                                                   D)  he brushes his teeth after he prepares for the school

                                                               11.  Mike:  Hey,  Susan!  Are  you  doing  anything  special  at
                                                                   around seven thirty this evening?
        8.   Natalie: Which activities do you like doing on weekends?
                                                                   Susan: Oh! ..............................
            Amy: .......... Also, I have a great movie collection at home.
                                                                   Which answer does Susan give to Mike?
            Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
                                                                   A)  I have English courses at five past five.
            A)  I like playing chess with my brother very much.
                                                                   B)  I run errands for my mom at that time.
            B)  I take art courses after my tennis training.
                                                                   C)  I usually wake up early in the morning.
            C)  I like going to the cinema with my classmates.
                                                                   D)  I take art lessons at half past two.
            D)  I sometimes read a book in my free time.

                                                                              SUE’S MORNING ROUTINE
                                                                         wake up → 08.20 a.m.

                                                                         have breakfast → 09.00 a.m.
                                                                         brush her teeth → 09.30 a.m.
                                                                         attend her art course → 10.00 a.m.
        9.   Claudia ....................... her step dance class at 1:15 p.m.   visit her grandparents → 11.30 a.m.
            every Saturday. The course ...................... at 4:30 p.m.
            and  she  comes  back  home  at  five  o’clock.  After  the   According to Sue’s morning routine, she ........ .
            course,  she  usually  feels  tired.  So,  she  ............  for  a
            while and then she has dinner with her family at 6 p.m.  A)  gets up at twenty past eight in the mornings
                                                                   B)  has breakfast after going out for her art course
            Which one is odd when the paragraph completes
            with the words in the options?                         C)  spends time with her relatives before the course

            A) finishes   B) plays     C) attends    D) rests      D)  she leaves home at ten o’clock every morning
                                                          10                                      GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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