Page 10 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 10


                           TEST 4           Çözümler için     4.             THEIR MORNING ROUTINES
             Hi,  I’m  Christina.  I  want  to    talk  about  my  daily    SALLY                 PETER
             routines after school. I come back home at around      Job: teacher           Job: doctor
             four o’clock. I have a rest for a while and then help   get up: 6.30          get up: 7.00
             my mother with the cooking. Sometimes, I take the      have breakfast: 6.45   take a shower: 7.15
             rubbish out. After dinner, I finish all my homework    tidy her room: 7.10    have breakfast: 7.30
             and  watch TV  until  half  past  eight.  For  an  hour,  I   leave home: 7.30  go to work: 8.00
             read a novel. Then, I brush my teeth. At ten o’clock,
             I go to bed.                                         According to the information above, which option is
           What can we say about Christina according to the
           text above?                                            A)  Peter wakes up earlier than Sally in the mornings.
                                                                  B)  They have breakfast at the same time.
           A)  She doesn’t run errands for her parents at home.
                                                                  C)  Peter leaves home after eight o’clock every morning.
           B)  She brushes her teeth after reading her novel.
                                                                  D)  Sally tidies her room before half past seven.
           C)  She watches TV before she finishes her homework.

           D)  She helps her mother at home after half past eight.

                                                              5.   I ........... in my free time. I like this game very much. I
                                                                  want to be a professional footballer in the future.

       2.   Miranda:  What  do  you  do  after  your  guitar  course  on   Choose the correct option to complete the blank.
           Sundays?                                               A)  play soccer with my friends

           Amanda: ....................... They become very happy when   B)  enjoy playing board games
           they see me.
                                                                  C)  run errands for my parents
           Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.
                                                                  D)  take folk dance courses
           A)  I visit my grandparents.

           B)  I help my dad with the gardening.
           C)  I ride my bike in the park.                    6.   Brian  does  research  about  his  homework.  There  are

           D)  I go jogging in the forest.                        forty students in his class. Here are the results:
                                                                     After - school Activities  Number of students
                                                                     ride a bicycle                   14

                                                                     meet friends                     10
       3.   Samuel:  What  do  you  do  at  4  p.m.  on  Mondays  after   play tennis                  8
                                                                     watch TV                          5
           Barney: I go to the dance course to learn “Zeybek”.       take swimming courses             3

           Samuel: ..........................................
                                                                  Find the correct option according to the results.
           Barney: At 5:15 p.m.
                                                                  A)  Most of the students enjoy riding their bikes.
           Which question does Samuel ask Barney?
                                                                  B)  Watching  TV  is  a  very  popular  activity  among
           A)  How often do you attend this course?                  students.

           B)  What is your favourite activity?                   C)  Many students learn how to swim after school.
           C)  What time does the course finish?                  D)  The same number of students meet their friends and

           D)  Where do you take the dance courses?                  play tennis.
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                       9
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