Page 9 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 9

HELLO!                                                                                      1. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ

          Exercise 5: Complete the texts with the information in the chart. (Metinleri tablodaki bilgilerle tamamlayalım.)

                                     Pablo               Galina               Shady               Cynthia

                  Age               twelve               fifteen             fourteen             seventeen

               Country               Italy               Russia                Egypt              The USA

              Nationality           Italian              Russian             Egyptian             American

                                                    Russian, English,     Arabic, Turkish,
             Languages          Italian, English                                               English, Turkish
                                                         Spanish              English
              Favourite       physical education,    science, maths,    maths, information      history, art,

                classes          social studies           music             technology             drama

                            Filling in the blanks using the information in the chart

                                      This is Galina. She is (1) Russian . She is from (2)                   .
                                      She is (3)                  years old. She speaks (4)                  ,
                                      (5)            and (6)             . She likes three of her school subjects
                                      a lot. They are (7)              (8)              and (9)              .

                                      This is Pablo. He is (1)        years old. He is from (2)              .
                              B       He is (3)             . He speaks (4)             and (5)              .
                                      He likes (6)              and (7)                very much.

                                      This is Cynthia. She is (1)                     years old. She is from
                                      (2)                      .  She  is  (3)                    .  She  speaks
                                      (4)                  and (5)                  . Her favourite classes are
                                      (6)                 , (7)                   and (8)                    .

                                      This is Shady. He is from (1)               . He is (2)                .
                                      He is (3)                 years old. He can speak (4)                  ,
                                      (5)                and (6)                  . (7)                   and

                                      (8)                             are his favourite classes.

         GRADE 5 ENGLISH                                       9
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14