Page 48 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 48

8. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ                                                                                    FITNESS

             gymnastics          hiking / trekking         handball            horse riding            ice skating

               jogging         Exercise 2: Write the sentences into the correct boxes according to the titles. (Başlıklara
                              göre cümleleri doğru kutuların içine yazalım.)

                                   Sorry, not right now.   What about doing gymnastics?   That sounds boring.
                                    That sounds a good idea.   Shall we go running in the park?   Alright.

                                    Let’s go camping tomorrow.   Would you like to play golf?   Great idea.

                                        I’m afraid I can’t.   How about playing tennis?   Sure, of course.
                                       It is a terrible idea.   Sounds a wonderful idea.   No, I’m too tired.

                                     Accepting                    Suggesting                     Refusing

                                 That sounds a good                                     

                                                                                        

                                                                                        

               skiing                                                                   

                                                                                        

             swimming              table tennis             tennis               volleyball           working out

                                                           48                                      GRADE 5 ENGLISH
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53