Page 44 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 44

7. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ                                                                                PARTY TIME

                              Exercise 4: Do the exercise as in the example. (Alıştırmayı örnekteki gibi yapalım.)

                                                        Giving Permission or Refusing

                                Amy: Can I buy some colourful papers
                                for the party decoration?                      ★ I’m afraid you can’t.
                                Dad: For sure. (Elbette.)                  1 1   ★ For sure.

                                Please buy a duct tape, too.                   ★ Of course not.

                                Katie: May I prepare my birthday cake
                                alone, mummy?                                  ★ Alright, dear.
                                Mum:                                       2 2  ★ Sure, why not?

                                But we can make it together.                   ★ No, sorry.

                                Mary: Can you  help me decorate my
                                room for my graduation party?                  ★ Sorry, not right now.
                                Chloe:                                       3 3   ★ Of course.
                                I’m very busy with my science project.         ★ Yes, sure.

                                Isaac: Daddy, you know I love music. Can
                                I have a DJ for my birthday party?             ★ I’m sorry, you can’t.
                                Dad:                                       4 4  ★ No, sorry.
                                That’s a great idea, son.                      ★ Of course, you can.

                                Paige: May you prepare an invitation card
                                for my garden party, mommy?                    ★ No, I may not.
                                Mom:                                       5 5   ★ Yes, of course.

                                But you must help me while preparing it.       ★ I’m afraid I can’t.

                                Jenny:  May  you  buy  some  food  and
                                drinks for my birthday party, mom?             ★ No, I may not.
                                Mom:                                       6 6   ★ I’m sorry, I’m busy.
                                But first I must make a shopping list.         ★ Yes, sure.

                                                           44                                      GRADE 5 ENGLISH
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