Page 39 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 39

MOVIES                                                                                      6. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ

          Exercise  6:  Choose  the  correct  words  and  rewrite  the  sentences  with  their  Turkish  meanings.  (Doğru
          kelimeleri seçelim ve cümleleri Türkçe anlamlarıyla yeniden yazalım.)

            My brother likes / dislikes watching cartoons.     My father enjoys / dislikes watching
            He thinks they are entertaining.              1 1   adventure movies because they are exciting.  5 5

            There is a drama / musical on TV tonight.     2 2   My parents hate / like watching              6 6
            It’s about two famous inventors in history.        documentaries because they are informative.

            I think musicals are absurd / interesting.    3 3   She likes emotional movies, so science fiction    7 7
            I laugh a lot when I watch them.                   / romantic movies are her favourite.

            I don’t want to watch horrors because              Let’s go to the cinema to watch an action
            they are very frightening / funny.            4 4   movie. I think they are terrible / enjoyable.  8 8

           1.  My brother likes watching                                    5.
              cartoons. He thinks they are

              entertaining. (Erkek kardeşim çizgi
              film izlemeyi seviyor. Onların

              eğlenceli olduğunu düşünüyor.)

           2.                                                               6.


                                                      Choosing the
           3.                                            Correct            7.

           4.                                                               8.

         GRADE 5 ENGLISH                                      39
   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44