Page 35 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 35

MOVIES                                                                                      6. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ

           absurd / silly            action              adventure             animation              audience


           absurd / silly


          Exercise 1: Write the opposites of the        Exercise 2: Write the sentences under         beautiful

          following adjectives. (Aşağıdaki sıfatların   the correct titles. (Cümleleri doğru baş-
          zıtlarını yazalım.)                           lıkların altına yazalım.)
            scary   brave   lazy    sensible        ✶ That sounds boring.  ✶ Sounds good.
            strong   ugly     good     honest         ✶ That’s a great idea.  ✶ It sounds

            rude     boring    clever     terrible   bad. ✶ That’s awesome. ✶ That sounds
                                                            great.  ✶ That’s a terrible idea.
          1.      liar             honest               ✶ It sounds awful.  ✶ Sure, why not?       boring / dull

          2.   beautiful                                   ✶ That sounds like a bad idea.

                                                                Accepting an Offer
          3.      evil     

          4.    absurd                                    Sounds good.

          5.     weak
                                                                                                       brave
          6.    coward                                  

          7.     stupid                                 

          8.   hardworking                                      Refusing an Offer

          9.      kind                                                                               cartoon

          10.    funny                                  
          11.   enjoyable                               

          12.    great                                  

            enjoyable            documentary              coward                 comedy                 clever

         GRADE 5 ENGLISH                                      35
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40