Page 34 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 34

5. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ                                                                                    HEALTH

           Exercise 7: Reorder the words to make sentences and then write the suitable suggestions for them. (Cümle
           kurmak için kelimeleri yeniden sıralayalım ve sonra onlar için uygun tavsiyeleri yazalım.)

                 ➞ He should see a dentist.                       ➞ She should drink lemon and mint tea.

                 ➞ She should take a warm shower.                 ➞ You should buy some tissues.

                 ➞ He should take a painkiller.                   ➞ He shouldn’t carry heavy things.

                 ➞ You should put a plaster over your cut.        ➞ She should drink warm things.

                             Putting the Words in Order                           Writing Suggestions

                    pain / stomach / has got / in / she / a / her / .
            1.                                                              She should drink lemon and mint tea.
                    She has got a pain in her stomach.

                    terrible / John / a / has got / headache / .

                    backache / my grandpa / bad / a / has / .

                    Rachel / sore throat / a / has got / bad / .

                    hurts / my brother’s / badly / tooth / .

                    runny nose / my sister / a / has got / .

                    temperature  /  high  /  has  /  body  /  she  /  her  /  a  /  in  /  .

                    finger / have / on / my / a / cut / I / .

                7 Doğru cevap               5 Doğru cevap               4 Doğru cevap             1 - 2 Doğru cevap

          ✪        MÜKEMMEL           ✪           İYİ            ✪           ORTA            ✪      GELİŞTİRİLMELİ

                                                           34                                      GRADE 5 ENGLISH
   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39