Page 33 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 33

HEALTH                                                                                      5. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ

          Exercise 6: Complete the missing parts of the table with the given sentences. (Tablonun eksik kısımlarını
          verilen cümlelerle tamamlayalım.)

              ◆ He should drink mint and lemon tea.   ◆ You should have a rest and take a pill.   ◆ I have a fever and
               I feel hot.   ◆ You should have some cough syrup and take a warm shower.   ◆ She should see a dentist
           jealous and take some medicine.   ◆ You shouldn’t carry heavy things.   ◆ I have the flu and I feel tired.
                    ◆ She should take a painkiller and stay in a quiet place.   ◆ Kimberley’s sister has the measles.
                  ◆ George has got a runny nose.   ◆ Alice has a terrible pain in her throat.   ◆ I have got a cold.

                           C                                                  SUGGESTIONSUGGESTIONS
           Darren’s father has a backache.                     (1) You shouldn’t carry heavy things.

                                                               You should wear warm clothes.

           My sister has a pain in her tooth.

           Wendy’s mom has got a bad headache.

                                                               You should have a warm shower.

           Brian’s brother stomach hurts a lot.

                                                               She shouldn’t drink cold things.

           I feel tired and I sneeze a lot.

                                                               He should buy a lot of tissues.

                                                               She should see a doctor and stay at home.

           I have a bad cough and a fever.

                                                               You should take vitamin C and have a rest.

         GRADE 5 ENGLISH                                      33
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