Page 30 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 30

5. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ                                                                                    HEALTH

              headache             herbal tea          hot water bottle            hurt                 measles

                 pill          Exercise 3: Answer the question according to the pictures. (Resimlere göre soruyu

                                      ✶ I have a cold.   ✶ I have a bad cough.   ✶ I have a stomachache.
                                         ✶ I sneeze a lot.  ✶ I have a sore throat.  ✶ I have the measles.
                                      ✶ I have a backache.  ✶ I have a broken arm.   ✶ I have a toothache.
                                                                ✶ I have a headache.

                                                    WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?

                                               1. I sneeze a lot .                         2.

                                                 (Çok hapşırıyorum.)

                                               3.                                          4.

             runny nose

                                               5.                                          6.

                                               7.                                          8.


                                               9.                                          10.

             sore throat           stay in bed           stomachache               tissue              toothache

                                                           30                                      GRADE 5 ENGLISH
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