Page 28 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 28

4. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ                                                                          MY DAILY ROUTINE

           Exercise 6: Look at Lizzie’s timetable and correct the false statements. (Lizzie’nin programına bakalım ve
           yanlış durumları düzeltelim.)

                   Lizzie’s    Monday     Tuesday   Wednesday     Thursday     Friday    Saturday    Sunday
                   get up
                   early         ✓          ✓           ✓            ✓          ✓
                 breakfast       ✓          ✓           ✓            ✓          ✓           ✓          ✓
                  ride the
                 school bus      ✓          ✓           ✓            ✓          ✓

                 homework        ✓          ✓           ✓            ✓          ✓
                call friends                ✓           ✓                       ✓

                 play with
                   friends                                                                  ✓          ✓
                 watch TV                   ✓           ✓                                   ✓          ✓

                  read a
                    book         ✓          ✓           ✓            ✓          ✓           ✓

                 go online                              ✓                                   ✓          ✓
                 sleep late                                                                 ✓          ✓

           1.  She gets up early every day.                    6.  She plays with her friends after school.
             She gets up early only on weekdays.

           2.  She has breakfast only on weekdays.             7.  She watches TV only on weekends.

           3.  She goes to school on foot.                     8.  She reads a book every day.

           4.  She does her homework at weekends.              9.  She goes online twice a week.

           5.  She calls her friends four times a week.        10. She sleeps late both on weekdays and weekends.

                                        Kendinizi aldığınız yıldız sayısı ile değerlendiriniz.

                       1 veya 2 doğru:            5 veya 7 doğru:                9 doğru:
                  Aldığım yıldız sayısı →→                            1 doğru →→
                                                                                             9 doğru →→

                                                           28                                      GRADE 5 ENGLISH
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