Page 27 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 27

MY DAILY ROUTINE                                                                            4. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ

          Exercise 5: Look at Daisy’ s timetable about her daily routine and complete the sentences. (Daisy’ nin günlük
          rutiniyle ilgili çizelgesine bakalım ve cümleleri tamamlayalım.)

                   DAISY’S TIMETABLE                         COMPLETING DAISY’S DAILY ROUTINES

                            get up                       1. 1.  She gets up at seven o’clock.

                                                         2. 2.  She washes her hands and face at                .
                            wash hands and face

                                                         3. 3.  She                           at half past seven.
                            have breakfast

                                                         4. 4.  She brushes her teeth at                        .
                            brush teeth

                            get dressed for school       5. 5.  She                               at eight o’clock.

                                                         6. 6.  She leaves home at                              .
                            leave home

                            ride the bus                 7. 7.  She                         at twenty past eight.

                            arrive at school             8. 8.  She                            at half past eight.

                            have lunch at school         9. 9.  She has lunch at school at                      .

                            come back home               10.0.  She                            at twenty to four.

                                                         11..  She does her homework at
                            do homework                  11                                                     .

                                                         12..  She
                            have dinner                  12                                      at half past six.

                            go online                    13.3.  She goes online at                              .

                                                         14..  She reads a book at
                            read a book                  14                                                     .

                            go to bed                    15                                        at ten o’clock.
                                                         15..  She

         GRADE 5 ENGLISH                                      27
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