Page 22 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 22

3. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ                                                                        GAMES AND HOBBIES

           Exercise 7: Choose the correct words / phrases in each sentence and write the Turkish meanings of the
           sentences. (Her cümlede doğru kelimeyi / ifadeyi seçelim ve cümlelerin Türkçe anlamlarını yazalım.)

                                              1.  I like going sculpting / camping

           I like going camping in my            / dodgeball in my leisure time.
           leisure time.                      2.  I can make / play / collect
                                                 origami, but I can’t play chess.
           1.  Boş zamanlarımda kamp                                               5.
                  My ruler is                 3.  Mia likes paper games, so she
              yapmaya gitmeyi severim.
                                                 plays chess / tag / hangman.

                                              4.  He loves outdoor games, so
                                                 hide and seek / tic - tac - toe /

                                                 chess is one of his favourite.
                                              5.  We hate doing / making /
           2.                                    playing chess.                    6.

                                              6.  I often go blind man’s buff /

                                                 hiking / hopscotch because I
                                                 love nature.

                                              7.  They play marbles / fishing /
                                                 sculpting with their friends.

           3.                                 8.  My mother likes collecting /     7.
                                                 doing / making stamps.

                                              9.  I like folding paper, so doing
                                                 sculpting / going camping /
                                                 making origami is my hobby.

                                              10.  My sister can’t skip rope / go
           4.                                     hiking / play tag well because   8.

                                                  she runs very slowly.

           9.                                                      10.

          Bu etkinlikten                                                                                  öğrendim.

                                                           22                                      GRADE 5 ENGLISH
   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27