Page 19 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 19

GAMES AND HOBBIES                                                                           3. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ

            dodge ball

          yakan top oyunu

          Exercise 4: Ask questions according to the underlined words / phrases and write their
          Turkish meanings. (Altı çizili kelimelere / ifadelere göre sorular soralım ve Türkçe an-
          lamlarını yazalım.)

                        SENTENCES                                 QUESTIONS

                                                        1. What can you do?
           1.  I can skip rope and play basketball.
                                                          (Ne yapabilirsin?)

           2.  Yes, I like taking photos and riding     2.
             a bike.

           3.  My hobbies are doing sculpting and       3.
              going fishing.

           4.  No, I can’t ride a horse, but I can      4.
              make origami.

           5.  My favourite games are blind man’s       5.
             buff and checkers.

           6.  No, I don’t go camping at weekends,      6.
              but I do puzzles.

           7.  I play computer games in my free         7.

           8.  I can play hopscotch, domino and         8.
              hide and seek.

           9.  I like playing checkers and riding a     9.

         GRADE 5 ENGLISH                                      19
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24