Page 17 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 17

GAMES AND HOBBIES                                                                           3. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ

         blind man's buff        board games              checkers               chess            Chinese whispers

          blind man’s buff


          Exercise 1: Write the words / phrases into    Exercise 2: Do the exercise as in the      collect stamps

          the correct category with their Turkish       example. (Alıştırmayı örnekteki gibi yapalım.)
          meanings.  (Kelimeleri  /  ifadeleri  doğru    ✶ play marbles  ✶ climb a mountain
          kategoriye Türkçe anlamlarıyla yazalım.)         ✶ Chinese whispers  ✶ fly a kite

          ◆ fishing  ◆ chess  ◆ hopscotch  ◆ origami         ✶ hide and seek  ✶ swimming
                                                           ✶ roller skating  ✶ draw pictures
          ◆ dodge ball  ◆ camping  ◆ tag  ◆ sculpting
                                                        1.                   swimming
          ◆ collecting stamps   ◆ blind man’s buff                             (yüzme)             computer game

                         Games                          2.

           ✶ chess (satranç)

                                                        4.                                           dodge ball



                                                                                                     do puzzles

            go cycling            go camping               fishing            draw pictures          do sculpting

         GRADE 5 ENGLISH                                      17
   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22