Page 14 - 5. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Öğreten Etkinlik Fasikülü
P. 14

2. ÜNİTE FÖYÜ                                                                                  MY TOWN

                              Exercise 5: Look at the map and complete the sentences with the directions given below.
                              (Haritaya bakalım ve cümleleri aşağıda verilen yönlerle tamamlayalım.)

                                    Barber’s  Bakery                  Cinema         Bookshop

                                      White Street                                    White Street
                                                               North Road                     West Road  Bus Stop
                                  Restaurant  Toyshop              Supermarket    Bank

                                     Orange Street                                    Orange Street

                                 Shoe Shop    Chemist’s               Hospital       Library          Hotel
                                    Café                  You are                                 Train Station

                               corner    near    behind    opposite    in front of    next to    between

                              1.  The barber’s is    next to   the bakery and it is                the restaurant.

                              2.  The hotel is                the train station and it is               the library.

                              3.  The supermarket is                 the cinema and                  of North Road

                                 and White Street.

                              4. The library is                 the hospital and the train station.

                              5.  The café is                 the shoe shop and it is                 the chemist’s.

                              6.  The bus stop is                   the bank and the bank is                     of
                                 Orange Street and West Road.

                              7.  The bookshop is                 the park and the cinema.

                              8.  The bakery is                 the toyshop and the toyshop is                  the

                                                           14                                      GRADE 5 ENGLISH
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